Tag: Archaeology
Future Updates to Archaeology 101
After the successful launch of Archaeology 101 (archaeology101.com) at the end of April, Autumn and I began brainstorming ways to add to and improve the website. We also examined user feedback to better highlight areas that could be upgraded (thank you to all those who have checked out the website!). Moving forward this summer, I…
Launching Archaeology 101
Autumn Painter and I are happy to announce the official launch of Archaeology 101 (archaeology101.com), a website designed to introduce elementary and middle school students to archaeology and the study of the past. In the website, we use written content and interactive elements to teach students about archaeology and some of the basic concepts and…
Juxtaposing the Past and the Present: Creating an Interactive Preservation Element
In thinking about what we wanted to include in our Archaeology 101 website, Autumn and I wanted to touch on many of the key concepts that guide archaeological research. One of those key concepts is preservation, especially the idea that not everything preserves in the archaeological record. While it is a relatively clear concept, it…
Project Introduction: Archaeology 101
Introducing Archaeology 101! This project is a collaborative CHI project between myself and Jeffrey Painter. At the launch, this project will be an interactive website that can be used to introduce elementary and middle school students (and other interested parties) to archaeology!
Integrating Interactive Elements into Websites
Throughout the process of planning my CHI project this semester, I have begun to delve into various ways that it is possible to integrate interactive elements into a webpage. One in particular that has caught my eye is the use of drag and drop JavaScript, specifically the draggable JavaScript library. This is Javascript library that…
Incorporating 3D Models into Archaeological Outreach
Public outreach and engagement is an essential part of archaeological research. For the past year and a half, I have served as the Campus Archaeologist for the Michigan State University Campus Archaeology Program (CAP). One of the projects that the Campus Archaeology Program has focused on during my tenure is researching and implementing new outreach…
Campus As Laboratory: An Oral History of the Campus Archaeology Program
Earlier this month, I presented a poster on an oral history project conducted by myself and Dr. Alice Lynn McMichael (LEADR, Director) at the Midwest Archaeological Conference. The primary goal of this project was to span best practices in oral history research and archaeology, while promoting the public outreach mission of both the Campus Archaeology…
A Delicate Balance: Public Engagement and Protecting Site Location
Within archaeology, there is a constant debate on how much information to give to the public about a site’s location. There is a spectrum of how much site location information should be provided to the public, it is not a binary issue between providing or not providing details about the site location. Do you share…
Mapping Morton Village: User Interaction
We have made some major progress since Nikki’s post last week! Not only have we figured out our toggling layer problem, we have placed the interactive map into our website! While we still have some little things to keep working on and adding to the website, our focus is now on user interaction. How do we…
Mapping Morton Village – Figuring Things Out
The past few weeks have been eventful for the Mapping Morton Village project, since Autumn’s blog post on 2/11, we have completed all of the content for the website, and continued working on the interactive map. Mapbox has been a bit of a struggle for us, as we could not get the data for Morton…