Category: Uncategorized

  • Launching Smart City Tracker

    I’m excited to announce the public launch of my CHI project, Smart City Tracker ( Smart City Tracker is a web-based and open-source platform where users can track and explore local governments’ smart city implementation in the United States. It uses Google Custom Search API to systematically search the official websites of 322 cities with…

  • The Social Justice Classroom’s Mission and next steps

    I began developing this pedagogical website, The Social Justice Classroom, which can be found in this link ( during my CHI fellowship and after attending pedagogical workshops on anti-racism, disability studies, indigenous studies, animal studies, and other social justice issues that inspired me to reframe my approach in both my research and in my teaching.…

  • Burgruine Königstein

    Ever since I arrived in Germany, many historic places have been on my to-visit list. I was really excited to finally hike to a castle last weekend. It’s called Burgruine Königstein. According to its official website, the oldest visible wall of this castle can be dated from the first half of the 12th century. It…

  • Stratford-upon-Avon Memory Map Project Update

    It’s been a while since I posted directly about my project, which I announced in my December post. I believe I’ve mentioned before that I used to be a project manager in a digital humanities center, and this is my first time working on a project that is completely my own. It has definitely been…

  • The Hesitancy to Develop More Porous Pedagogy

    As I continue disseminating the CFP, building the site for the Social Justice Classroom, and conversing with colleagues about their experience with contributing their work, I have been met with interesting hiccups with which my people-pleasing personality has had to wrestle. While many would like a short CFP (because who has the time to read),…

  • Call for 2022-2023 Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellowship Applications

    The Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative invites applications for its 2022-2023 Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellowship program. The Cultural Heritage Informatics Fellowships offer MSU graduate students the skills to creatively and thoughtfully apply digital methods and computational approaches to cultural heritage collections, materials, data, questions, and challenges.

  • Digital Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis

    Originally, this (late) blog post was going to focus on my struggles with Bootstrap Studio as I continue work on my CHI project. But, over the weekend, as I was attempting to work on my map, I visited the Leaflet website to read up on some additional customization. Instead, I found this message: On 24…

  • A smart enough city

    To be a smarter city or a smart enough city? That is the question Ben Green raised in his book, The Smart Enough City – Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future. I find the ideas in his book quite interesting and would like to share here. The concept of smart city…

  • Good code cannot save bad planning: Working with leafletjs plugins

    In a previous post I discussed my experiences learning to code for my Oak Bluff’s Mapping Project on leafleft.js and the issue of finding examples that help fix specific problems. In this post I want to share a bit more on the topic of learning to code, specifically knowing when to stop trying to fix…

  • FA History | Mapping Update

    In order to create a tool for students looking to become involved in the field of forensic anthropology, the first step I wanted to create for my website was a map of graduate programs in the United States. This map will serve as a resource for students to easily find universities with either a Master’s…