Category: CHI Project Info
Re-Introducing Autumn Beyer
Hello again! I’m happy to announce that I am one of the returning CHI fellows. In case you are not familiar with the CHI blog, I’ll first give you some background on my personal research and my previous CHI project, before delving into my plans for this year.
The Launch and (Re)Emergence of #HearMyHome
Originally conceived of as an “everyday” cultural heritage informatics project interrogating how contemporary youth write community through and with sound. #hearmyhome inquires how hearing difference and listening to community may re-educate the senses and attune us towards cultural difference. Ultimately working to develop materials that hear, recognize, and sustain community literacies and cultural rhetorics, #hearmyhome…
Launching the Armed Services Editions: A Computational Analysis
I am happy to announce the launch of my CHI Project, The Armed Services Editions: A Computational Analysis. On my page, users can navigate through three “Data Narratives”: simple analyses that I conducted to answer critical questions about these data. The Gender Data Narrative considers the distribution of gendered pronoun usage throughout the corpus, and features…
A Delicate Balance: Public Engagement and Protecting Site Location
Within archaeology, there is a constant debate on how much information to give to the public about a site’s location. There is a spectrum of how much site location information should be provided to the public, it is not a binary issue between providing or not providing details about the site location. Do you share…
The Launch of Mapping Morton Village
We are very pleased to announce the launch of the Mapping Morton Village interactive digital map, which provides information on archaeology in general, as well as information on the ongoing Morton Village archaeological project.
Mapping Morton Village: Finalizing the Site and Pushing to New URL
In the past few weeks Autumn and I allowed some of our friends and family, with varying levels of archaeological experience, to view the site to see if it is user friendly. With some of their constructive comments, we first added some language to the intro pop-up to better explain our map page.
Mapping Morton Village: Introduction Modal and User Navigation
As Nikki and I finish up the final touches on the Mapping Morton Village site, I focused on user interaction and navigation. One aspect of our site that we knew we wanted to include was an automatic (on page-load) popup modal to give an introduction to our site, see image below.
Mapping Morton Village: Lightbox Images and Captions
During the past few weeks, we’ve focused on getting some technical aspects of the site figured out. I focused on making our images more interactive by giving each one Lightbox attributes, which makes the images/captions larger and ‘pop-out’ from the page. We also gave images captions on the page and in the Lightbox pop-up, though…
Mapping Morton Village: User Interaction
We have made some major progress since Nikki’s post last week! Not only have we figured out our toggling layer problem, we have placed the interactive map into our website! While we still have some little things to keep working on and adding to the website, our focus is now on user interaction. How do we…
Mapping Morton Village – Figuring Things Out
The past few weeks have been eventful for the Mapping Morton Village project, since Autumn’s blog post on 2/11, we have completed all of the content for the website, and continued working on the interactive map. Mapbox has been a bit of a struggle for us, as we could not get the data for Morton…