Category: CHI Grad Fellow Post
Hello again, CHI!
Hello again, CHI! My name is Vee Lawson, a returning CHI Fellow for 2022-23 and a fourth-year PhD candidate in Writing and Rhetoric. Last year, I had the privilege of learning from an incredible cohort of colleagues across a range of academic fields, and I look forward to doing the same this year! In my…
Project Launch: “God-Honoring Snark”
I am delighted to announce the launch of my CHI project, God-Honoring Snark! This interactive narrative blends storytelling with the results of computational text analysis to engage visitors with the ethical questions driving contemporary snark communities. For the text analysis, I first collected comments and text posts from r/FundieSnarkUncensored’s first year using PushShift web scraping,…
Launching the Oak Bluffs Historic Highlands Map
Today is launch day and I am sharing completed my mapping project for the CHI 2021 – 2022 fellowship. For my Oak Bluffs Historic Highlands project, I have built the framework for a map that uses publicly available deed documents to represent the history of landownership in the Highlands area of Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts, a…
Memory Mapping
As the work progresses on the framework for my map of property ownership in the Highlands area of Oak Bluffs, I can now start focusing the ways in which additional types of data will be added to the map. While the structure of the map will be the spatialized deed and census data, this information…
JavaScript and decision making
One of the project’s JavaScript files is called chart, and the other one is called “questions”, and each of them plays a different role in the whole application. While the “chart” file produces the application’s graph, the “questions” file governs the behavior of the questions and the mathematical logic behind rating the user’s answers.
Stories and Numbers
While waiting on IRB approval to begin collecting and analyzing subreddit data for my project, I’ve been thinking about the rhetorical dimensions of computational topic modeling. In preparing to undertake this project, I looked for examples of similar analyses in humanities-based rhetoric and composition journals but found that this hasn’t been a terribly popular method,…
Describing Kim Turley’s political compass
In my previous entry, I let you all know that I will build an application to visually represent the type of emblematic memory Colombians use to make sense of the inner armed conflict. I also told you how I thought I could build it. But I could not tell you Dr. Watrall’s (CHI’s big boss)…
Project: The Oak Bluffs Highlands History Map and the Issue of Too Many Coding “Solutions”
For my fellowship project, I will be creating an interactive, web-based map showing the history of property ownership in the Highlands area of Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts, on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Oak Bluffs was and still is a summer resort community noted for is African American vacationing communities dating to the late 19th and…
Plotting Colombian Emblematic Memories
While acknowledging the existence of different models of emblematic memory for the sake of transformative dialogues about the past, Plotting Emblematic Memories project proposes to identify the type of cultural model an individual uses to make sense of the past. As you may be thinking, you take the test, the application makes some calculations, and…
Introducing “God-Honoring Snark”
For my CHI project, I am conducting a text analysis of a popular subreddit in which participants “snark” on fundamentalist Christian media to explore how community members recognize and respond to misogyny in fundamentalist media. Reddit is a forum-based social media platform frequently used for geek, meme, and niche interest discussions, including extremist political and…