Category: CHI Grad Fellow Post

  • Aubree Marshall, CHI 2023-2024 Grad Fellow

    Hi everyone! My name is Aubree Marshall, and I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in anthropology. More specifically, my specialty lies in bioarchaeology. By studying human remains from archaeological contexts, we can learn more about past behaviors and lived experiences of those individuals and populations studied. My research area is in Mesoamerica, specifically in Belize,…

  • Priyanka Jayakodi | CHI 2023-24 Grad Fellow

    Hi CHI Community! I’m Priyanka Jayakodi, a Cultural Anthropology PhD student. My research examines the entanglements of state violence, medical discourses, and environmental issues in Sri Lanka. I use ethnographic and visual methods such as photography and sketching in my research. I studied Sociology for my BA (2015) and MA (2016) at the University of…

  • Philip Pellino | Greetings to the CHI Community!

    Greetings! My name is Philip Pellino and I am a new CHI Fellow for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am currently a 5th year Ph.D candidate in the Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures here at Michigan State University. I prefer to think of myself as just a Linguist but truth be told, I’m much…

  • The Debut of The Urban Toxicity Project

    The dream for this project is much bigger than its current reality. Right now, it is a map with two points marked on it and only one of those points (Milwaukee) will take you anywhere. However, it represents the seed from which I am hoping to grow a collaborative effort to document incidents of urban…

  • Introducing “Graduate Labor Rising”

    Happy May Day! I am pleased to announce the launch of my 2022-2023 project, Graduate Labor Rising. This website traces the development of graduate labor unions across the US, their roots in radical labor traditions, and their turn towards justice-oriented bargaining, then shares a library of collective bargaining agreements to aid current and future graduate…

  • Where, oh, where has my modal gone?

    Having finally sorted out my map, and even gotten the pop-ups to work the way I wanted them to, I have been attempting to build out a modal that will appear on load to provide an overview of the project and give users suggestions for exploring the map. The first half of that was not…

  • Database Decisions

    After pivoting my project to create a searchable text database of collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) instead of a speculative, collaborative map with local union members, my next step was to decide how to actually create this database.  To build or not to build? There are two main types of databases: relational and non-relational. Relational databases,…

  • Project Intro: Mapping the New Academic Labor Movement

    Happy end-of-the-semester, CHI! I’m excited to announce my project for 2023, tentatively titled “Graduate Labor Rising: Mapping the New Academic Labor Movement.” This project will consider the rise, fall, and rise again of graduate labor organizing in the United States through rhetorical analysis paired with historic and speculative mapping. Graduate workers in the US began…

  • Learning Curves, Hindsight, and Setting Goals

    It’s October again, which means it’s time for the mid-semester crunch! Right now in the CHI calendar, we’re working through a series of rapid development challenges, most of which focus on the technical skills we’ll need to complete our projects. In addition to brushing up on our coding and design abilities, these challenges can help…

  • Greetings, CHI Community!

    Greetings, CHI Community! My name is Cara Jacob, I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in Cultural Anthropology, and I am incredibly excited to be a CHI Fellow for the very first time. In my research, I use a Feminist Political Ecology framework to understand and explain the gendered and racialized impacts of urban water insecurity…