Call for 2019-2020 Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellowship Applications

The Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative invites applications for its 2019-2020 Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellowship program.

The Cultural Heritage Informatics Fellowships offer MSU graduate students the skills to creatively and thoughtfully apply digital methods and computational approaches to cultural heritage collections, materials, data, questions, and challenges.

While the first half of the fellowship is focused on workshops and collaborative development work and technical experimentation, the overall organizational focus of the fellowship is the development (either individually or collaboratively) of a significant and innovative digital cultural heritage project. Projects might include (but are certainly not limited to) a serious game, a mobile application, a digital exhibit, a digital archive, or a collaborative digital publication. The project must also have a significant public component. To support their work, fellows will receive a stipend of $2000 per semester. In addition, fellows will have the opportunity to receive an additional $1000 to expand their project during the summer. Fellows are expected to engage with the broader digital cultural heritage community at workshops, meetings, or conferences. In order to support this, fellows can receive an additional $1000 in travel funds. While applicants may have previous technical experience, such experience is not required to apply.

For more information, including eligibility and application requirements, check out the full program description. Deadline for applications is May 8, 5pm EST.


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